LeighMo's bit of heaven (or hell)

This is my life. Seriously.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

And so....

I have finally succeeded in securing that which I thought I'd never hear my parents utter:

"I never thought you'd do this".

That is right, I seem to have run out of ways to shock, awe, disappoint, and disturb them. I moved in with Nate, finally, all the way, and they are still carrying on about it.

Never mind that my brother has been living with his girlfriend for two years; that is different. He doesn't have children. Eh. Whatever.


On a happy note, I finally have a Portfolio!!! up and running. Even the little email me box works, go me. Feel free to check it out umpteen times, because that makes google think I am cooler than I really am and I get a better page ranking.

Still no job, but holy cow am I applying for them like a mofo still. Keep the fingers crossed, I really am starting to feel sort of loserish these days.


Evil Twin's Wife said...

Go you! Woot!

Anonymous said...

Well, you are making progress, right? That is good!

And as for your parents... let them live their own lives.