LeighMo's bit of heaven (or hell)

This is my life. Seriously.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Back to Normal, or what passes for it

I am happy to report that I am armed with an 88 day supply of chill pills. I've found a sliding scale if you are uninsured clinic as well (right here in Lakewood! its open during normal hours, five days a week!) so I'm going to make an appointment to cover the future stability of mental health, as well as check up on some things I've let slide since my last postpartum checkup 6.5 years ago. I know...bad me.


I did some research on my camera (Kodak easyshare V1003) and I am pretty disgusted with the Kodak company. My mom paid a lot of money for that camera, and from what I read, LOTS of people have the 'turn the camera on and find out the lcd screen doesn't work' issue. Those fortunate enough to have a full warranty that hasn't expired are told that the ONLY way a screen can break is from the user. One guy had fixed his screen three times and it continues to just die at random.

I baby my camera. I have a neat-o carrying case, and when I don't use it, that is where it lives. I was going to buy a replacement screen (24.95 on ebay, free shipping!!), and keep my fingers crossed; I'm thinking now that I'd like to get a Canon or Nikon. Something that is built more for performance than for disposability and trendy colors. The pics I have taken over the last 3 months have been done with a camera that isn't working properly, over which I have no control with settings, and no fancy lenses or filters. I want to get my hands on a GOOD set up, and see what I can do with that.


Speaking of picsies, I added some to the photostream. Forgive me, Sheila dahling, but none of my fireworks shots turned out :0( I did catch some wicked sunset colors over the sound, though; hope that will suffice!!


*mary* said...

I'm glad you found a good doctor! Now you don't have to run out of meds again.

I looked through all the pictures. They are great. Good luck with your camera. I have a Canon Powershot SX 100 IS, which is a good camera on the cheaper end of the spectrum. You sometimes find them on ebay for a good price.

Evil Twin's Wife said...

I love my Canons. I have a A590 IS point and shoot and a DSLR Rebel XT. I only use the Rebel XT if I have a need for super zoom (using my best lens). The A590 I bought for less than $150 and it's also great!

SB said...

Very happy to hear you're in good shape for a while with your care. Well done, you, for making sure that happened.

The pictures are gorgeous, my dear! Thank you so much for posting them. I really love the aquarium pics, and I'm not sure anything beats a sunset over the sound. :o)